Last night after a wonderful night in the arms of the man I love, it was time for me to return to my straight life. Except for the fact I had to hang out at K's house to be with the kids, it was no different from any of the days befire I came out or before K moved.
She was gome most of the day with AJ. I had the kids.
Also this afternoon, my middle son had a date... with a girl. My middle son has a disability that impairs his speech pretty severely. A lot of the kids in his school are not nice to him because he is an easy target. When I asked him about this girl he told me she was nice to him when other kids weren't. I thought that was super sweet and you can imagine my surprise when I also found out her family moved here from New Jersey. Nice AND from New Jersey. Who would have thought??
Anyway I was charming to this girl's mother and offered to drive her home after the movie. It was very cute and my son had a really good time.
Then I took the little kids to a birthday party at church. I was OK. There was a lot of food and a Halloween movie the kids all seemed to like.
So even though I am mostly out of the closet, I am still living two lives. My gay life with T and my straight life with the kids & K. I'm not complaining, it was just an observation I was thinking about this evening.