Sunday, August 9, 2009

I can't think of a title for this posting.

Yesterday we had an open house. We cleaned like crazy people all morning. Even the kids helped. The realtor showed up at 2:00 and we all went out to lunch and then back to school shopping.

We got back to the house to discover that not only did we not get any instant offers on the house, we did not get any lookers. Damn!! We have had three open houses and so far only one person came to look at the the first one and no one at the other 2. Double damn... K is pretty discouraged.

I went out with T last night. I met him at his house and after a nice dinner we when back to his house. He has a game room with a huge TV, pool table and a Wii. We played pool for a while and then sat down and talked. T is a good guy, I love him. I think he is "partner" material, but the problem is he really does not want a partner. Well he wants one, but not if it requires really sharing his life. What he wants is a boyfriend.

His family dynamic is complex and I'm not going to get into all of it here. He is number 6 of 8 children and when he was 15 his family escaped Vietnam with essentially the clothes on their backs. He and is 2 younger sisters became very close. He and the lesbian sister went to college together and they are have always been there for each other. She is too scared to come out and too scared to look for girls she can be with. He wants a partner and even thinks I could be the one for him one day, but he will not leave his sister alone.

OK. So here I am. I love him, but we have basically ruled out the possibility of us being together. I am not saying I want to move directly from living together with K to being with him. I always figured that I needed some time to get comfortable on my own, but eventually I want a partner to share my life with. I had hope it might be him. {sigh}

Today I am going to focus on getting ready for vacation. I need it bad and I think the time on my own will help me clear my head.

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