Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sunday fun?

T is coming to visit. He is on the road right now. We are going to take the kids out to lunch and then to see a movie. I had wanted to take them a super cool playground at a local elementary school, but the weather is not going to cooperate with me.

I have not seen T in 2 weeks and I am very excited to see him today. We won't have any time to ourselves, but jsut being around him will be enough for me ... for now. He is really good with my kids and they like him too. I have not told the children I am gay and they do know know the nature of my relationship with T. One day I will, but the timing it not right yet. (I'll save that discussion for another day.)

I was hoping T would stay into the evening, but he has to get back home to his family tonight. I was a little disappointed to hear that, but I will roll with it. There have been plenty of times that we went out that I had to leave early. Of course the difference is that my family includes 4 kids that depend on me. His family are all adults.

He owns a large house that he bought with his sister (who is a deeply closeted lesbian), another unmarried (straight) sister, and his elderly parents. His sisters are both in their late 30's and have very well paying professional jobs, like he does. I should also mention that he is Asian and there is a large cultural influence on how his family works.

I love him very much and I can see myself spending my life with him. Because of his family dynamic, I doubt it will happen. I may say more about that later, but for now it makes me a little sad.

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