Tuesday, August 25, 2009

More gays than you can shake a stick at

So today was the second day back at work from vacation. Ugh!! I have a pretty good job with a good company that while it is not making as much money as they want in this down economy, but it is still turning a profit. I guess I can't complain that much.

My boss is gay. He is more than a few years older than me. He was married and has one child from that marriage. He has been with his partner for 24 years. I have met his partner and while they have mannerisms that might lead someone to think they are gay, they are basically a normal couple.

I have another co worker in my department, a peer, who is a lesbian. She has never been interested in being with a man, not even to fit in. She is about my age. Her partner of 15 years is somewhat older. She was married twice and has children (who are now adults). I have met her partner too. Again, a normal couple.

I guess there is hope for me... if I can ever get my shit together.

K has a friend from high school who is gay. There were close in school, but drifted apart. She has found him recently on FaceBook and they are talking again. He has been with his partner for more than a few years (not sure exactly how long) and they just bought a house. Just like a normal couple.

I have a friend from high school. We were "involved" for a while (which is another story). I recently reconnected with him (thank you FaceBook). He lives several states away with his partner of 9 years. He told me they have almost no gay friends. He and his partner hang out with straight friends. I had the chance to visit them a few months ago and what I found out was their straight "friends" seem to do it use their house as a party house. My friend from high school also turned into a coke (no not Coca-Cola) addict. While their lifestyle is not for me, they seem happy together.

So I guess 3 out of 4 gay success stories are pretty good.

What is in store for me? We'll see.

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