Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Work and more

I work for a large company. This is the Sony building. I don't work for Sony,

Anyway, the politics of working for a large company is a major pain in the ass and I do not so office politics very well. I have no patience for it and I'm not good at it. My job has become more difficult lately. I have a bunch of aggressive deadlines and I have been bringing work home a lot. I hate it, but sometimes you just have to.

Lucky for me, tonight it not one of these nights. I was pretty productive at work and I have taken the night off. I'm going to catch up on the Blogs I read and I was going to write a little on mine.

There has been no movement between K and I on the gay front. We have not had much time to talk about anything. She works in the evening and by the time she gets home we each have a little time to prepare for tomorrow and then go to bed. I hate to say we are just roommates, but it seems we have been living that way for a long time.

We each have our own laptop and many nights we sit together on the kitchen table and separately do our own thing, while chatting about the events of the day. I know that sound mundane, but when it comes time for me to move out, it is one of the things I will miss... a lot. Of course it's not the picture of what an in love married couple should be like together.

1 comment:

manxxman said...

Oh my.......a loving married couple. Hum, in my experience, in the first few years it's all about just being together......then along come the kids and somehow they take up more and more of the time. Then you find that you've settled into a routine......without really ever noticing it.

Now in your case you add in a dash of "gay"......will it makes for an interesting salad.

Both you and K will be fine as you move on. You both understand it's the next step for you. The thing you have going for you is that she truly loves and and wants the best for you......lucky man.